Film (4 minutes) and resources
Young people watching the film will be introduced to the idea that, whilst the internet can be a great place to have fun, online actions can have unpleasant consequences such as making someone else unhappy or being at risk from strangers.
Using clear facial expressions and showing visual clues such as ticks and crosses as part of a straightforward storyline, the film explores ways in which young people can take basic steps towards keeping themselves safe online.
Key issues covered
Josh and Sue learn about:
- Being kind online
- How nasty comments can make other people feel sad
- The importance of only sharing content with real-life friends
- Not accepting contact from strangers
- Telling an adult if they are scared or worried
Target audience
The film is aimed at young people aged 11-13 who have learning disabilities. The simple narrative also makes it accessible to younger children who need basic internet safety messages.
Learning objectives
Young people watching the film will be introduced to the idea that their online actions can have unpleasant consequences, which can range from making someone else unhappy to putting themselves at risk from strangers. The film also shows the importance of seeking advice from a trusted adult.
Supporting materials
There is a supporting lesson plan to accompany the animated film.
Suggestions for use with children with special educational needs or disabilities
The film is available in two versions, one for moderate learning disabilities and one for severe levels of need.