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Planning to talk to your child about sex, relationships and their lives online can be tricky. Find lots of advice about these complex areas here.

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  • Advice 7 questions parents and carers ask about nude selfies

    Many parents and carers ask us about young people taking and sharing revealing pics of themselves. Here we answer your most frequent questions with the best advice on keeping children safe...

  • Advice Having a conversation with your child

    Starting a conversation with your child about a sensitive issue or something you don’t usually talk about isn’t always easy, especially if this means you will be talking about things they prefer to keep private, but there are ways to make having these conversations with your child easier.

  • Advice Nude selfies: what parents and carers need to know (subtitled)

    Teenagers tell us that sharing sexual pictures and videos is not unusual. It can be risky but don’t panic, there are steps you can take if things get out of control.

  • Advice Supporting LGBTQ+ young people online

    The internet provides young people with lots of opportunities, but unfortunately they can also encounter risks. Learn more about how you can support lesbian, gay, bi, trans or queer young people online.

  • Advice Online blackmail

    Advice on talking to your child about online blackmail, ways you can support them and access help if they need it.

  • Advice Teens and the sexual content on social media

    While social media offers opportunities for young people to stay connected, sexual content may impact on their understanding of sex and relationships.